Sunday 4 March 2012

Casestudy The Hero

Film Knight and Day starring tom cruise and Cameron Dias

Hero -Tom cruise

 In this trailer it is clear to  see who the  hero is as the shots taken are used to make him stand out for example as Cameron Dias talks  the hero  who  she called “this guy”  the camera zooms slowly into his face indicating that he is this dangerous man. His facial expression at this shot is very cheeky giving the audience more about his character. As Cameron Dias continues to narrate her experience the scene is set on a plane a typical location for a hero to violently attract the villain. The music at this point is raised and is very upbeat rock music. This style of music conventionally fits well with action going on in act of action films. There are lots of stunts used by the hero showing him up to be undefeatable. The scene then goes into an acting scene with the two protagonists. As Cameron dais asks the hero about what happened to the people on the plane the hero answered in a comedic way which brings in the comedy aspect of this film.

Throughout the trailer I noticed the typical convention of an action and comedy film. There were explosions exotic settings guns and the villains are all men they are all wearing smart suites with dark glasses and have black cars. The comedy codes were typically from the female protagonist as typically in action films females act foolish as they are always the ones getting saved and the action is left for the men. For example the mise en scene where Cameron Dais was told to run on the count of three but instead she was ran before the hero told her to. This mise en scene showed the conventional female role within an action comedy, so from this the audience can tell that it’s a combination of both genres which would attract the audience even more.

The hero is very calm and relaxed as he sips his drink explaining to her that he killed the people on the plane. Normally the hero would be up stirred and serious but as this is a combination of two genres the hero had to be completely un moved by the death of what just happened this takes way the seriousness of violence that happens. The other mise en scene that happens is when the hero lands carelessly on the car as Cameron Dias was driving herself out of the chaos. He calmly goes to her “open the door” whilst shooting the villains. This is another scene that adds comedy to the film. As normally the hero would hastily shout, but the fact that he says it smoothly to her makes it funny. Also in the film he even compliments her on her dress whilst trying to get into the car. Lastly the villains are also very clear in this film as in the trailer.

Film Man on fire starring Denzel Washington and Decoda fanning
Hero Denzel Washington
In this trailer the camera captures the hero at very good moments. At the start the camera zooms in and quality of the picture becomes dark and you can briefly see the setting of the city through his face .The hero flips the bullet out of his gun showing he’s already our hero. However at the very start of the trailer we see text which is read out by our protagonist this sets the story of the problem that the hero has to solve. The hero’s record profile is read out this is what is included in the film as part of the storylines but to the audience it helps us have a over view of who he is as a hero. His interaction with the Decoda fanning our protagonist is very distant. She asks him about his hand to which he replies no more questions this almost foreshadows the kind of love that he’s going to have for her later on in the movie. As a hero he believes that it’s his job to look after her and not develop a friendship with her. As we see I the film before she’s kidnapped they start to develop a relationship which makes his action towards the villains very bitter.
There are many codes in this film that tell the audience that there is a hero that’s going to put things right. The actual context of the film is deals with a current affair that happened in Mexico so many people watch this film to see how it would be dealt with if there was actually a hero like the one in this film. Other codes and conventions are exotic location gun bombs and explosions this is typical along with the conventional explosion behind the hero. The dialogue is also conventional after the hero does with deeds. For example in film after he ties up the villain to a bomb he says to the villain make a wish but ends up staying himself I wish you had more time. Frasers like these show the hero up to be very angry and revengeful.
The little girl is very helpful to the hero this is not like other films where there’s no input to from the damsel in distress. Through this they work together and develop a good relationship. Most of the female characters in this film have important roles and also contribute to the getting the little girl back. The villains on the other hand are all Mexicans and some are corrupt cops.     

Wednesday 1 February 2012

course work

My intention statement – Media

My intention is to recreate the style of current young artist such as Willow Smith. I also want to bring something new to the way new  artistes present their  brand name behind scenes and on  camera. Through my web page I want my set target audience to feel more connected with my artist. The way I’m going to do this is to produce a more effective way to share and connect with my target audience. Through the use of the Internet I also intend to have a chat on my web page as a way of connecting much more effectively. Through my interview documentary I plan to make it like a day and life of my artist. This way I can relate the target audience successfully ,by  getting an insight of that artist. Through my research I also found it better when an artist were behind the scene and taking us through their day and life activities on camera. In my interview I plan to also include questions taken from interviews with young teen artist, this way I know I’m reaching out to my audience the same way current artistes are. My artist will be very up to date with the growing technology, so my intention is for my artist to have an exclusive brand which is to be closely in touched with their fans. My web page has to show all that my artist has to offer to the brand. The brand has to be clear through my artist action pictures and information that I’m going to put out on the web page. The web page has to include everything that will help promote the artist in every way so I plan to link social networking site to the official page just so that it’s accessible to the audience on every scale.  I’m also going to add sophisticated pictures of the artist which will help the artist promote the fashionable brand that I’m going to create. my questionnaire is  going to give me good knowledge of  what teenagers want to see from a new  young  artist .this would also help me to be current  and reach successfully out to my target audience.          

In this behind scenes of willow smith we see who she is when she's out of the public eye. we see her as a funny fashionable girl who loves her fans and what she does. Willow smiths brand comes clear in this video as the questions asked are very much what her fans want to hear.we also get an incite of her clothing style and the labels that she models for. she evens tell us how she has changed as an artist growing up in a divers generation.    

willow is also seen as a fashionable young girl with lots to bring to the industry. Her attitude is very relaxed and she is much more free compared to when she's on interviews. the directer adds a lot to her brand when he speaks about her very proudly.the music playing in the back is done to promote her.    
willow is presented as a young star who is going to be a great success though the music industry.The questions that she is asked has a lot to do with what her fans want to know about her. Her attitude and body language is much more relaxed, the interviewer  asks willow simple questions asking her with basic words.the camera goes in and out of her face this is typical of an interview and it helps to keep the focus on the artist. her clothing style keeps to her brand which she calls school "girl meets punk rock". its important for the artist to keep the same image throughout as it is easy for the audience to recognise that artist,its also the stigma of that brand.willow has to be much more reserved compared to how she is behind scenes.

Zendaya really opens up in this interview, but it is mostly up to the person who is interviewing her to bring up her character and her brand. the questions are personal and are what her fans might want to hear. The interview is set outside which is a hard place to find stars but this shows that she is flexible and assessable to her fans.the interview topic is clear at the end which is also the name of the part of her brand and this is to be very child friendly so the name of the video is something they can relate to such as ice cream. 


In this video willow is represented as a kind young girl.Her brand is given a very good name and is seen by her fans as rich. The fact that her fans are with her on the shopping spree makes her seem very close to her also paints a good picture of willow behind camera.    

I took the idea of small up and coming artist with small record labels and took the interview that they they were in looking closely at the style and editing they used to promote the artists. in the interview with Katy B there was cross promotion for the artists and the institution that were interviewing her. this is typical for a new artist with a small record label,they are always seen on small interviews with small institution that needs the artist to promote them as well as promote them self. they usually say at the bottom of the screen "follow us on twitter"

The common question asked is about the artists recent work or single mainly the thing that makes them the hot topic of that time. The interviews are not serious they are very playful so the audience can get an incite of the artists and what there like behind camera. 

In willow smiths interview it is much more sophisticated as her record label is well known so she can afford to have interviews with MTV. The person who is interviewing her does not have to be seen as the   institution name is already a Representative on it own.