Monday 26 September 2011

miss pretsell

In my opinion i think that twittamentary should be carried out to educate people about the growth of twitter and the positive aspects it may would also be good for people to understand the growth of social media.twitter is a brilliant invention and it would be good for Siok to to tell her story to the world so that they know the whole concept of twitter.

another reason why i think it good for  Aiok should make twittaamentry is because most people learn more about the Internet form twitter and it enhances people a lot more than other social networking sites.twitter is always resilient  and people always make their way through twitter o matter what. The documentary will be ideal for people who want to see where twitter is going,Aiok said that twitters will always hold on to twitter as it is a good experience meeting new people.this is a good reason why the documentary should be followed up as it builds up society and our social skills.

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